< March 2013 News >

20.03.2013 - New video - 'Beardboxing'.
I can fit my beard into my mouth now. I thought that we should all celebrate this tremendously boring feat with a pointless video.


17.03.2013 - New comic - 'Baby'.
My comics are few and far between, but every so often I think of one and draw it. Click on these words to go and see the latest.

12.03.2013 - New video - 'Deneneneneneneneh Batman'.
I was just minding my own business, walking around in this caravan park, when all of a sudden, heaps of batmen appeared out of nowhere.


10.03.2013 - WE SAVED WILLY BUM BUM!

Thanks to the support of thousands of fans, Willy Bum Bum is back online! Strangely, YouTube has not decided to add the 18+ age restriction to the video (again) so that's rather confusing... That was the whole thing, right?

Anyway... Boy, am I relieved! Thanks to everybody who signed the petition, liked the Facebook page and shared the video around. Here's hoping it stays up for ever. And for old time's sake, I'll put the video right here on the homepage as if it wasn't a stale 3-year-old cartoon. What the hell...

I should probably get making the sequel now...
Thanks again! Love ALIEN REd WOLf.
